Sidetracked Kurt Wallander

Télécharger Sidetracked Kurt Wallander PDF eBook En Ligne - pMidsummer approaches and Inspector Kurt Wallander prepares for a holiday with the new woman in his life hopeful that his wayward daughter and his ageing father will cope without him ppBut his restful summer plans are thrown into disarray when a teenage girl commits suicide before his eyes and a former minister of justice is butchered in the first of a series of apparently motiveless murders Wallanders desperate hunt for the girls identity and his furious pursuit of a killer who scalps his victims will throw him and those he loves most into mortal dangerppbWINNER OF THE CRIME WRITERS ASSOCIATION GOLD DAGGERbpThe Swedish summertime is too beautiful and too brief for something like this to happen A young girl commits selfimmolation a former government minister is killed with an axe and scalped these are the two brutal facts that confront Inspector Kurt Wallander as he prepares for his holiday As the Swedish midsummer approaches there is no escaping from the darkness of society p ISidetrackedI the fifth of Henning Mankells acclaimed Kurt Wallander mysteries and the second to be translated into English is an engrossing police procedural The hardboiled Kurt Wallander has softened slightly since he was first introduced in IFaceless KillersI the first title in the series He drinks less has more functional relationships and has developed a faith in his investigative team Despite this it is his other qualities as a character his philosophical angst and his intuitive pursuit of hunches which drive this novel as Wallander struggles to discover the leads that will trap the killerp Mankell manages to squeeze in serious comments on the state of Swedish society The overstretched police force child prostitution and the corruption of high politics all come under the scrutiny of Wallanders wearied gaze as he struggles to come to terms with the new violence of his society This is a dark novel peppered with genuinely nasty violence but it is Wallanders struggle to uncover the truth and face his own demons that provide the real thrills IIain RobinsonI pMidsummer approaches and Inspector Kurt Wallander prepares for a holiday with the new woman in his life hopeful that his wayward daughter and his ageing father will cope without him ppBut his restful summer plans are thrown into disarray when a teenage girl commits suicide before his eyes and a former minister of justice is butchered in the first of a series of apparently motiveless murders Wallanders desperate hunt for the girls identity and his furious pursuit of a killer who scalps his victims will throw him and those he loves most into mortal dangerppbWINNER OF THE CRIME WRITERS ASSOCIATION GOLD DAGGERbp
Details of Sidetracked Kurt Wallander
Book's Title | Sidetracked Kurt Wallander |
Author | Henning Mankell |
Category | Subjects |
Tags | Sidetracked, Wallander |
Customer's Rating | 4.5 stars of 5 from 37 Readers |
Filename | sidetracked-kurt-wallander.pdf |
Filesize | 23.6 MB (current server's speed is 28.16 Mbps |
Besides Sidetracked Kurt Wallander, Henning Mankell also write another book such as similarlist2
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