Human by Design From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice

Télécharger Human by Design From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice PDF eBook En Ligne - pibHuman by Designb invites you on a journey beyond Darwins theory of evolution beginning with the fact that we exist as we do even more empowered and more connected with ourselves and the world than scientists have believed possibleippIn one of the great ironies of the modern world the science that was expected to solve lifes mysteries has done just the opposite New discoveries have led to more unanswered questions created deeper mysteries and brought us to the brink of forbidden territory when it comes to explaining our origin and existence These discoveries reveal the following factsullibFact 1 Our originbModern humans appeared suddenly on earth approximately 200000 years ago with the advanced brain nervous system and capabilities that set them apart from all other known forms of life ialready developedi rather than having developed slowly and gradually over a long periods of timelibFact 2 Missing physical evidencebThe relationships shown on the conventional tree of human evolution are speculative connections only While they are believed to exist a 150year search has failed to produce the physical evidence that confirms the relationships shown on the evolutionary family treelibFact 3 New DNA evidencebThe comparison of DNA between ancient Neanderthals previously thought to be our ancestors and early humans tells us that iwe did noti descend from the NeanderthalslibFact 4 A rare DNA fusionbAdvanced genome analysis reveals that the DNA that sets us apart from other primates including in our advanced brain and nervous system is the result of an ancient and precise fusion of genes occurring in a way that suggests something ibeyondi evolution made our humanness possiblelibFact 5 Our extraordinary abilitiesbWe are born with the capacity to selfheal to selfregulate longevity to activate an enhanced immune response and to experience deep intuition sympathy empathy and ultimately compassionand to do each of these on demandulppIn this book iNew York Timesi bestselling author and 2017 Templeton Award nominee Gregg Braden crosses the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to answer the timeless question at the core of our existenceiWho are weiand to reveal sciencebased techniques that awaken our uniquely human experiences of deep intuition precognition advanced states of selfhealing and much more Beyond any reasonable doubt iHuman by Designi reveals that were not what weve been told and much more than weve ever imaginedp
Details of Human by Design From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice
Book's Title | Human by Design From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice |
Author | Gregg Braden |
Category | Health, Mind & Body |
Tags | Design, Evolution, Chance, Transformation, Choice |
Customer's Rating | 3.7 stars of 5 from 190 Readers |
Filename | human-by-design-from-evolution-by-chance-to-transformation-by-choice.pdf |
Filesize | 24.17 MB (current server's speed is 23.32 Mbps |
Besides Human by Design From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice, Gregg Braden also write another book such as similarlist2
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