Alfa Network AWUS1900 80211ac Ultra speed USB adapter

Télécharger Alfa Network AWUS1900 80211ac Ultra speed USB adapter PDF eBook En Ligne - Alfa AWUS1900 is a new quad antenna 80211ac WiFi USB receiver boasting router connection speeds of up to 1900 Mbps 1300 Mbps for 5 Ghz 600 Mbps for 24 Gz It is compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 881 and Windows 10 This connects to your computers USB port with enclosed USB 30 cable and boosts the WiFi performance of that specific PC This is not a router or repeater Its four transmitfour receive 4T4R dual band antenna technology allows utilization of both 24 and 5 Ghz radio bands on 80211ac routers for a combined max connect rate of 1900 mbps The antennas can be detached and extended or upgraded extension requires optional coaxial cable extension not included in retail box
Details of Alfa Network AWUS1900 80211ac Ultra speed USB adapter
Book's Title | Alfa Network AWUS1900 80211ac Ultra speed USB adapter |
Author | ALFA Network |
Category | Produits |
Tags | Network, AWUS1900, 80211ac, adapter |
Customer's Rating | 3.5 stars of 5 from 239 Readers |
Filename | alfa-network-awus1900-80211ac-ultra-speed-usb-adapter.pdf |
Filesize | 21.53 MB (current server's speed is 21.49 Mbps |
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